Teenage Anxiety Simptoms

by Vlasta Kuster

In this article, I would like to introduce to you to the anxiety symptoms teenagers experience. I have collected the symptoms based on my years of experience working with teenagers.

1. Teens develop a fear of school very often. When they think about school, they experience anxiety, their hands start sweating, their heart starts pounding and they are afraid to go to school.

Sometimes, this fear is tied to meeting peers who they do not feel comfortable around.

Sometimes, however, this fear is more related to the fear of grades or the fear of being questioned.

They are often afraid of public speaking because they fear rejection and ridicule from classmates.

2. Teens also experience poor self-esteem, meaning that they are dissatisfied with their appearance and they are ashamed of their external features. Many times they feel that they are not good enough, or deep down they believe that they will never succeed.

3. Teenagers can also become apathetic and tired of everything. They lose their inner motivation; they have a hard time preparing for learning. Even when they start learning, they cannot concentrate. Strong emotional fluctuations occur that take all of the young person's energy. They often lock themselves in their room and they sometimes even stop communicating with the outside world.

4. They get lost in the virtual world and stop being interested in the real world. They emotionally close themselves off from other family members and spend a lot of time focused on their phone or their computer.

5. In some teens, behavior to injure themselves may occur. This is a sign that the teenager is really suffering emotionally. At that time, they intentionally inflict physical pain on themselves only to overcome emotional pain.

6. Aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior may occur especially in boys, but emotional pain is always hidden behind it. In this way teenagers want to protect their vulnerability and hide it from the outside world. Despite the fact that they act repulsively, we have to know that they are also suffering a lot behind this mask.

7. Eating disorders are common in girls. All girls during this period really occupy themselves with their appearance. They spend a lot of time in front of the mirror and rarely are they happy with their body. They would all like to be lean and attractive and they can also really exaggerate this. Therefore, some develop anorexia and others bulimia. Many girls may also experience overeating.

8. Today, many young people suffer from an extreme form of anxiety called panic attacks. This is a condition that is really difficult to tolerate and such an adolescent is in dire need of help. Panic attacks usually occur unannounced, with the joint occurrence of strong physical and emotional symptoms, each of which is very severe. However, when young people experience them all at once, they feel that they are dying or that they are going crazy.

Usually teens develop many symptoms, not just one. Regardless of what symptoms occur, they all share an inner insecurity and a sense of powerlessness.

Anxiety is a condition that is difficult to tolerate. Especially for a young person who has grown from a child into a teenager and is suddenly faced with many challenges that are difficult for them to cope with. Their body is changing and their ability to emote is changing. They become strenuous with themselves and their surroundings. In order to calm all these unpleasant feelings of anxiety, the teenager resorts to alcohol, cigarettes, and various substances. As a result, they can get caught up in even bigger problems, since the unpleasant anxiety returns and requires the teen to continue consuming various substances.

A teen usually develops a whole host of symptoms and not just one. No matter which symptoms appear, all of them have a common internal insecurity and a sense of powerlessness. With the help of EFT therapy, we can eliminate all these symptoms and allow the teenager to feel good again.

A teenager is actually calling for help with their symptoms. They need warm words, clear boundaries and a frank conversation. However, some of them also need EFT therapy to help them relieve anxiety permanently and become relaxed and successful again.

Vlasta Kuster, holds an MA degree in Basic Medical Sciences and uses her 3-month EFT therapy in her work to help people to do away with panic attacks and anxiety for good. She has more than 10-year experiences in EFT therapy and achieves at least 90% success in permanently eliminating anxiety and panic attacks. You may contact her through her website freeofpanic.com

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